Recent Blog Posts & Project Updates

Sampling the Feb 2017 flood event

On the 7th Feb 2017, a large summer rainstorm generated floodwaters and an unseasonal pulse of nutrients into teh Peel-Harvey Estuary. SCU PhD student Mustefa just happened to be out in the field collecting data ...

Presentation at the Ecosystem Services conference

Understanding the ecosystem services provided by the Peel-Harvey is a means by which natural capital can be valued. UWA PhD candidate Nance Haddaden recently presented an overview of our proposed evaluation approach at the Oceania Ecosystem Services conference.

How is climate change impacting estuary hydrodynamics

The hydrology of the Peel-Harvey system has dramatically changed over the past four decades, and is projected to further change into tehe future. MSc student Dylan Prtichard recently completed his dissertation using a hydrodynamic model to assess how these changes look.

WA Coastal Forecasts

The coastal oceanography website by Prof Chari Pattiarchi's team at UWA now forecasts coastal conditions across the Western Australian coastline - visit now to see live results for the Peel-Harvey region

Looking for information about estuary conditions?Visit the Model Dashboard

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